Use the contact form to stay tuned about future offerings!
January 9-22, 2024: Saarbrücken, Germany
January 10-15: private lessons (contact for availability)
January 16-21: Assisting Melina Sedó and Detlef Engel at the Tango Teacher Training (TTT)
September 7-24, 2024: Burgundy, France
Ladies’ retreat: Tango holidays for women, co-taught with Melina Sedó.
Past events
Intro to close embrace tango, Nuevo Milonguero style
What: Nuevo milonguero basics. This is a 2-day introduction on the Nuevo Milonguero style of Argentine Tango, ideal for absolute beginners, experienced dancers who want to learn the other role, or experienced dancers who know one can never go wrong studying the basics!
Socks or soft, FLAT shoes highly encouraged. For your own good, no heels!
Cost: $75
When: Saturday, March 4, 3-4:30pm and Sunday March 5, 12-1:30pm
Where: Symmetry Dance Wellness, 2006 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Registration is closed for this series – to be notified about future offerings, please email
Nuevo Milonguero Practica
What: Nuevo Milonguero Practica. Please note this will be an unguided practica – you’re free to work on whatever you like, even whichever style you like (but please obtain consent from your partners!). I will be available for questions as well as privatandas (=mini-private class: lasts for one tanda and focuses on one single issue in one’s dancing) but there will be no lesson portion.
Cost: Practica $10, Privatanda extra $15
When: Sunday May 15, 2-4pm
Where: Symmetry Dance Wellness, 2016 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Tango and Hops

The name says it all! This 4-week series will cover the fundamentals of Nuevo Milonguero style:
- posture and embrace
- communication and trust
- music
- rules of the playground (social dance floor)
And all that, with delicious beer!
Tuesdays, February 18 – March 10, 7-9pm
Dock St. South, 2118 Washington Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19146
$15/class, includes one drink!
**please note that this is NOT a drop-in class. You may take the first class of the series to check it out, but the rest of the classes should be taken in order, to ensure progress.
Melina Sedó & Detlef Engel: Workshops and Teacher Training in Philadelphia – canceled due to Covid-19

Workshop topics: TBA
Tango Teacher Training:
In their teacher training, Melina and Detlef do not only convey their techniques and musical principles, but their entire knowledge as teachers and organisers, the philosophy and the “secrets” of the trade that they have taken up in 2001. Since their first TTT in 2013, almost 100 dancers from all over Europe and the USA have graduated from the programme. In 2020/21 Melina and Detlef will for the first time offer a course in the USA to make it easier for you to participate. The training will go over 4 modules and take place in 4 different cities: Newport News, Boston, Philadelphia and Atlanta. The participants will still have to travel to these 4 places, but now there is a good chance, that at least one of the modules will be near where you live and you don’t have to cross the ocean!
What can you expect? Intensive learning, interesting discussions, lots of sweat and lots of fun! During the 120 hours training, we will offer profound insights into our technique and pedagogy, as well as musical analysis, management and issues concerning the development of Tango communities.
More information:
Contact + booking:
About Melina and Detlef:
Stylistically, they are at home in the traditional tango de salón – social tango – as it is danced in Buenos Aires and which they interpret in a very personal and modern way. Their dance captivates through its intimate embrace, playful musicality and an almost puristic elegance: a harmonic interplay of two equal partners without superficial effect. Thus, their tango is newly created in every single moment, and does not just express the music, but genuine feeling.
At the core of their lessons, which are always geared towards improvisational capability, are intensive body work and analysis of tango’s musical and movement-related structures. But analytical understanding is just a means to concentrate better on the essential: developing one’s own style and relishing the embrace in unison with the music.
Detlef and Melina started teaching tango in 2001 and started traveling in 2006. Their dedication, professionalism and unique teaching concept have set standards wherever they visit. Read more about them at:
In 2015, they published a comprehensive Book + DVD to make their philosophy and concepts available to an even wider public. Find all information about and buy it at: